
Single push notification

Send a push notification to one device token.

Sample command

$ cd /path/to/your_django_project/
$ python singlepush (--sandbox) \
                              --title Notification's\ title \
                              (--subtitle Notification's\ subtitle) \
                              (--body Notification's\ body) \
                              (--sound default) \
                              (--badge 1) \
                              (--contentavailable) \
                              (--mutablecontent) \
                              (--extra '{"key":"value","key2":"value2"}')

About each argument for single push notification

Argument name Description Required Default
--sandbox, -s Use apple sandbox. NO False
--token, -t Target device token. YES None
--title Title displayed in push notification. YES None
--subtitle Subtitle displayed in push notification. NO None
--body Body displayed in push notification. NO None
--sound Sounds to be heard when push notification is received. NO default
--badge Badge displayed on application icon. NO 0
--contentavailable, -c Use content-available. (Support for iOS7 or higher) NO False
--mutablecontent, -m Use mutable-content. (Support for iOS9 or higher) NO False
--extra, -e Custom notification payload values as a JSON dictionary. NO None

Multiple push notifications

Send push notifications to some device tokens.

Sample command

$ cd /path/to/your_django_project/
$ python multipush (--sandbox) \
                             (--all) \
                             --title Notification's\ title \
                             (--subtitle Notification's\ subtitle) \
                             (--body Notification's\ body) \
                             (--sound default) \
                             (--badge 1) \
                             (--contentavailable) \
                             (--mutablecontent) \
                             (--extra '{"key":"value","key2":"value2"}')

About each argument for multiple push notification

Argument name Description Required Default
--sandbox, -s Use apple sandbox. NO False
--token, -t Target device token. YES None
--all, -a Target all device tokens. NO False
--title Title displayed in push notification. YES None
--subtitle Subtitle displayed in push notification. NO None
--body Body displayed in push notification. NO None
--sound Sounds to be heard when push notification is received. NO default
--badge Badge displayed on application icon. NO 0
--contentavailable, -c Use content-available. (Support for iOS7 or higher) NO False
--mutablecontent, -m Use mutable-content. (Support for iOS9 or higher) NO False
--extra, -e Custom notification payload values as a JSON dictionary. NO None